I appreciate the way
This world turned her back on you too
Sucked the air out of each lung w/o asking
Left you for dead, queer, immigrant child
I never really ran away from my pain
It just got caught somewhere in my esophagus
Lost beneath the cords of survival
We’ve known each other for years
Died and came back twice
Just to appreciate the way you look up at the moon
And hold me like down like gravity
You’ve set me on fire
- Infinity; Seeing love in dark places
So much pain between siblings
For mistakes of our parents
B/c of things they could not shield us from
Absent birthdays
Broken promises
Tired working class souls
The irreconcilability of it all
We cannot be afraid to salt each other’s wounds
Always shared the same nakedness outside the womb
The same scars and traumas too
This was always ”tough love”
For brighter days and fatter paychecks
Always mourning, always grateful
- Always Full; Immigrant Parents
Inside of me there is a desert
Broken in half by man
In it, an oasis grows
Cactus bear fruit
The snake and eagle spirits battle
For my love
For my survival
It is here for you too
If you can look past the rotting plants
There is a spring you can drink from
My love you can indulge
But the second you drink without permission
Beware for the puma will bare its teeth
And taste your flesh in compensation
- Drink me, Dare you