Our class, full of energy, and lots of love
Latina/o Sexualities Presente y Para Siempre!
June 9, 2014
Final Project Artist Statement by student Daniela Nunez
I created these images because I, like Sandra Cisneros, Luz Calvo, and Alma Lopez wanted images that represent the “real” Latina. The one major image Latinas have growing up is the Virgen de Guadalupe. While she is a loved role model, she represents an extreme, something that seems unrealistic for many girls and women to strive for.
The first image is of my mom and nana. I wanted to depict them because they are the strongest women I know. They are my role models, and if I could do half as much in my lifetime as they have, I will be well off. This photograph is very simple, because they live very simply.
The second image is of my roommate Maria. She is one of my role models as well. She moved here from Ecuador when she was in elementary school. She is draping the Ecuadorian flag to represent her home country, and has a San Francisco hat for her second home.
Clips from novela Mas Sabe El Diablo~
I chose the “The Laughing Track,” by Crookers in attempting to articulate how the nation state produces fear for trans women of color but also how their sexual attractions as trans women of color are mediated by the nation state..
A friend of mine posted this hilarious meme of the iconic Mexican actress Maria Felix, being fierce in old age (I also included a classic photo of her). It made me think about the role film plays in constructing and expressing Latin@ sexualities, and how early Mexican film played a part in the formation of Alice Bag’s identity.
–Prof Hernandez
Reclaiming the Latina Tag, by Alice Song
I found this tumblr: http://reclaimingthelatinatag.tumblr.com. Before when you searched the “Latina” tag on Tumblr, you would see images of hypersexualized Latina women and racist caricatures. In addition, there were various photosets created by straight men who would pit Latina women against other women of color, detailing which race was attractive for which reason and why Latina women were particularly desired or not. This is evocative of the ways the mulatta was framed as simultaneously desired but also hated for her mixed heritage. The blog, created by and for Latina women, was to fight against hypersexualization and fetishization and reclaim the word Latina as a label of empowerment. Not only are there categories devoted to art, literature, science, and music, there are reading lists, political texts, and information on indigenous communities, activism, and AfroLatina as a separate descriptor. They also encourage their follows to submit selfies to flood the Latina tag with pictures of real-life Latina women.
Aurora Guerrero on Making Mosquita y Mari & Challenging Hollywood's Lack of Diverse Stories
After watching the film, Mosquita y Mari, I was curious in reading about the filmmaker’s inspiration. I found the article called, Aurora Guerrero on Making Mosquita y Mari & Challenging Hollywood’s Lack of Diverse Stories where Aurora Guerrero is the filmmaker. In her film, she explores Latina sexuality through the unique feelings two Latina girls encounter. As I was reading more about Aurora’s thoughts on Hollywood it was interesting to read how she describes growing up and not seeing films on Latinos. In addition, she shared about her challenges not seeing Latinos as role models, ”It’s hard to grow up and not see yourself portrayed in realistic ways on film. From a young age I was really bothered by that. When I did see a film about Latinos I didn’t recognize my experience at all. I actually wondered if those type of Latinos really existed because I didn’t know anyone like that”. Finally, I believe that Aurora’s film Mosquita y Mari proves how there needs to be more Latina/os in the film industry .